Thursday, July 15, 2010

Beautiful Day!

The staff spend a lot of time here at camp reading weather forecasts and watching the sky - and then trying to plan our activities to fit in with the weather. We decided to go on our Mystery Trip yesterday in an effort to escape the high heat and humidity, and we were really hoping for a nicer day today, even though some forecasts said it would be just as hot and sticky. Happily, today has turned into a beautiful day!! We got some impressive thunderstorms overnight, but they had cleared by morning - and a breeze out of the northwest has kept us comfortable all day long. Right now, it's in the low 80's with relatively low humidity - hooray!! :)

We decided to spend our beautiful afternoon having a mock horse show at the barn. The campers got to ride with their riding class and learn about horse showing, as well as grooming and presenting horses in a halter show. They also competed in "bridle races" - working in teams to reassemble bridles that had been taken apart.

We're going to do some choice activities this evening, and if the weather holds, we're hoping to head out on more trail rides tomorrow!

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