Friday, August 9, 2024

Wrapping up Week 9!

Wrapping up Week 9!

Is it really Friday already?!  We have had quite the week, playing with different small animals and learning about all things "horse!" On Thursday, everyone made tie-dye, and played group games like "Captain May I," "Transformers," and "SPUD." For Small Animal Week, we had a number of special guests. Thursday we focused on the reptiles. Campers got to see a bearded dragon, Hawk, and two snakes, Diamond and Carahrt. Up at the barn everyone learned about the different kinds of bits horses use, as well as what they may be used for, and had fun doing some Hoofbeat word searches and crossword puzzles. 

Today we made dream catchers in Arts & Crafts, played Line and Crab soccer in sports, and went to the camp store. For today's small animals, we had our "Fur and Feathered" friends! There was a chicken, Kirby, three Friskies, three ducks, and a rabbit! The rabbit seemed to be the camper's favorite! Our barn activities were Hoofbeat Trivia and learning about the different gaits of a horse, such as the walk, trot, canter, and gallop. Thank you all for another great week!!

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