Monday, August 5, 2024

Welcome to Week 9!

Welcome to week 9!

Happy Monday! We started off our week by getting to know our other group members with some icebreakers and group games in the sports rotation. We also got to know the barn and some horse safety in our "horse science" and "horse fun" activity rotations. With a scavenger hunt, we explored the barn, trying to find where we keep the hay, where our barn directors are during the day, and many other spots around the barn. Horse science was spent learning about general safety around horses, how to groom and saddle our horses and how we properly mount/dismount a horse. In Arts & Crafts, we made dinosaur eggs and nests, and in "skill surprise," for small-animal week, we played goat trivia and then enjoyed hanging out with the Hoofbeat goat and sheep herd!

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