Friday, July 26, 2024

Wrapping up Week 7

 Wrapping up Week 7

Happy Friday! We have had such a great week with everyone and will be sad to see you all go. Thursday, we cooled off from the heat with some water games, wrote letters to our future selves, and tie-dyed our shirts/pillowcases! Up at the barn, everyone enjoyed learning about the farrier, aka the horse foot doctor and got to pick a fun activity to do at the barn. Some groups picked stalls, groomed horses, fed the horses their dinner, or cleaned some of their saddles! Thanks for all of your help!!

Today, we had an amazing campfire for Wild West Week and even got to roast a marshmallow. In arts & crafts, everyone built a parachute with a parachuter. Once they were all assembled we dropped them from a small ledge and tested our building skills. Finally, in sports, we played a few rounds of "Superhero Toxic River". Some campers gained the power of sight and had to talk their group through what they were doing, and some lost their power of voice and had to maneuver the challenge silently. No matter the power that was missing or gained, everyone did a fantastic job. At the barn, we learned about horses' senses and forms of communication, learned more in our riding lessons, and enjoyed learning some line dances. The camp favorite seems to be the "Cotton Eye Joe"! We had an awesome week with you all!

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