Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Welcome to Week 7!

 Welcome to Week 7!

Welcome back! We have been having a great week so far up on the ridge! Monday we kicked things off with learning about horse safety, saddling, and grooming for horse science, made "horse ads" for an imaginary horse, or one here at Hoofbeat, and enjoyed getting to ride for the first time! Down the hill, for Superhero-themed week, we made our own superheroes out of paper bags and decided what their powers would be. Sports was spent playing group games and getting to know our groups, and then we shared some laughs making up a story and turning them into comic strips! See each group's below! 

Tuesday was a gloomy day, but that didn't stop us. We enjoyed making a superhero power book, where we wrote an origin story, decided on a sidekick, and drew out our superhero's powers. Then, we built our own boats out of aluminum foil, tested them to see if they'd float, and determined how many pennies they'd hold. Some of those boats were pretty sturdy. Up at the barn, we learned how to lasso a horse, and then learned all about different types of feed and nutrition for horses. Of course, we enjoyed our riding time too! Check back in later this week for more updates:)







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