Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Hoofbeat Music Video

Here is our Hoofbeat Music video from this past summer!

Friday, August 18, 2017

Thanks for a great summer!

Wow! It's hard to believe summer came and went so quickly. It feels like yesterday that our staff were arriving for staff training, but here we are heading toward the end of August!
We wanted to say thank you to our staff for all of their hard work over the summer. We had a great group of resident and day camp staff this year . So, thank you all! We couldn't do it with out you!
Thank you to our campers and their families for coming from far and wide to join us at Hoofbeat. We had quite a few campers from out of state - they came from Texas, Missouri, Iowa, California, Minnesota, Michigan, Alabama, Georgia, Illinois, and Virginia. Thanks for making the trek to camp!
Thanks to our horses too (even though they'll never see this!) - it takes a special horse to be a school horse. We are thankful for ours!
We're busy working on fall programs now. Both of the Mother/Daughter Weekends have filled and Christmas Camp registration has been open since mid-summer.
The 2018 resident camp registration should be available soon - check the website for early bird rates!
Here are some of our favorite photos from the summer. Thanks to Amanda for organizing them and also for all of the blog updates over the summer!
Take care and enjoy the rest of the summer!

Friday, August 11, 2017

Mini Trip!

Hello! Here are some pictures of the girls doing a jump course on the Lower A and our mini trip to Cayuse tack shop and Culver's!