Tuesday, January 5, 2016

More Christmas Camp Photos!

Here are some more photos from Christmas Camp!
The girls got to pick a horse to have their picture taken with and here they are!
(Some of the horses are a little muddy and scruffy looking right now - we had lots of rain and warm weather right up until Christmas.)

Friday, January 1, 2016

Christmas Camp!

We would like to thank everyone who braved the weather to make our 2015 Christmas camp one to remember. From snow to sun, we have had a great week!
On Monday evening,  we began with some cabin time and group games, giving everyone a chance to get to know each other. Campers enjoyed hot chocolate and a warm fire before turning in.
Tuesday morning started  with riding lessons, horse science and crafts. The girls also enjoyed the fresh  snow with some sledding. In the afternoon we played  some mounted games, as well as ornament making.
Wednesday brought a light dusting of snow,  as the campers did their morning activities. After lunch, we headed out to visit the Kalahari Water Park in Wisconsin Dells.
Everyone was excited for  New Year's Eve!  Campers helped decorate the dining hall and the Lodge for the festivities. They had a costume party, watched " The Night at the Museum" movie, as well as playing lots of Bingo. The girls loved making their own boards and then completing for prizes.
On Friday morning, we  welcomed in the new year with some bareback riding and more horse science. Thank you to all the campers who shared this wonderful week with us.

Here are a few photos - we will work on posting more next week!

From all the horses and staff, have a happy new year!